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Study Suggests Airborne Route is an Important Mode of COVID-19 Transmission

Study Suggests Airborne Route is an Important Mode of COVID-19 Transmission

The study authors surveyed 2,000 people in the UK and US to evaluate the risk factors for a positive COVID-19 test result. The researchers found that being tall was a strong risk factor for contracting the virus – the reverse of which should be if transmission of the virus was exclusively or primarily via respiratory droplets.

Aerosols can accumulate in a poorly-ventilated enclosed area and carry contaminants and virus for a long period. Droplets, on the other hand, have a larger density and can only travel a short distance before dropping from the air. The study authors, therefore, suggested that if taller people have a higher risk of contracting the disease, airborne spread may be a significant route of transmission of the virus.

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